Getting Started¶
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
python >= 3.6
python library: setuptools
python library: pathlib
python library: numpy
python library: pyssian >= 1.0.0
python library: matplotlib (optional)
Installing pyssian-utils¶
Get the source code either git or download and unpack it into "pyssian-utils"
$ git clone pyssian-utils
Now install pyssian
$ cd pyssian-utils
$ python -m pip install .
It is recommended to download the source code in case some modifications specific to your work environment are necessary. (i.e. modifying the default options to suit your needs, different queue system, different queues...)
Future installation (not yet available)
$ python -m pip install pyssianutils
Uninstalling pyssian-utils¶
$ cd pyssian-utils
$ python -m pip uninstall pyssianutils
In case of using the -e flag for the installation remember to remove the .egg folder that is generated upon installation after running "pip uninstall pyssianutils" command.
Building the docs¶
To build the docs go to the docs folder where you have the source code then run:
$ cd sphinx/
$ python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
$ make html
Now if you go to the _docs/html folder you can open the index.html file in your folder and navigate through the documentation easily.
Developed with¶
python 3.7
Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, 18.04 LTS and 20.04 LTS
Additional features¶
The library comes with the following scripts with simple yet usefull utilities:
Please open the Examples.rst in github to visualize the basic usage examples or read the documentation.
pyssianutils is freely available under an [MIT](
How to cite¶
If you consider that either pyssian-utils or the pyssian library provided enough support to your research that it deserves to cited please do cite the pyssian library using the DOI at the following address: