Source code for pyssian.gaussianclasses

One of the two core libraries of pyssian. Contains the Classes that represent
Gaussian Files (input and output).
import io
import re
from itertools import chain

from .chemistryutils import is_method, is_basis
from .linkjobparsers import LinkJob, GeneralLinkJob

# Pre-Initialized dictionary for the GaussianOutFile.Parse
Available_Linkjobs = {i:GeneralLinkJob for i in range(1,10000)}
for key in LinkJob.Register.keys():
    Available_Linkjobs[key] = LinkJob.Register[key]

[docs] class GaussianOutFile(object): """Gaussian 09/16 '.log' file parent class, if any special type of calculation requires different processing it should be a subclass of this one. Accepts a context manager usage similar to 'with open(file) as F:...' *For a Gaussian .log file to be parsable it requires that its corresponding input has the additional printout enabled (#p)* Parameters ---------- file : io.TextIOBase or str File instance (Result of open(filename,'r')) or valid filename. parselist : list List of integrers that represent which types of Links to parse (the default is None). Attributes ---------- InternalJobs List of InternalJobs done by gaussian i.e an gaussian calculation with the opt freq keywords will run first an InternalJob for the Optimization and after an InternalJob for the Frequency calculation. """ _interblock = -1 # interblock token _EOF = -9999 # EOF token def __init__(self,file,parselist=None): cls = self.__class__ self.InternalJobs = [InternalJob(),] if isinstance(file,io.TextIOBase): self._file = file else: self._file = open(file,'r') if parselist is None: parselist = [] # Access the dictionary that holds the constructors for each LinkJob self._SetParsers(parselist,cls._interblock) # Initialize the generators/coroutines self._BlockFetcher = self.BlockFetcher(cls._EOF,cls._interblock) _ = next(self._BlockFetcher) self._BlockHandler = self.BlockHandler() _ = next(self._BlockHandler) def __repr__(self): cls = type(self).__name__ file ='/')[-1] size = len(self) return f'<{cls}({file})> with {size} InternalJobs' def __str__(self): cls = type(self).__name__ file ='/')[-1] repr = f'<{cls}({file})>\n' indent = ' ' for InternalJob in self: repr += indent + f'{InternalJob} type <{InternalJob.type}>\n' for Link in InternalJob: repr += indent*2 + f'{Link}\n' return repr def __len__(self): return len(self.InternalJobs) def __getitem__(self,index): return self.InternalJobs[index] def __enter__(self): ''' Wrapper to have similar behaviour to "_io.TextIOWrapper" ''' return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): ''' Wrapper to have similar behaviour to "_io.TextIOWrapper" ''' return self._file.__exit__(exc_type, exc_value, traceback) def _SetParsers(self,ParseList,interblock=-1): Parsers = Available_Linkjobs.copy() assert interblock not in Parsers if ParseList: if ParseList[0] == -1: # flag to parse all as empty for key in Parsers: Parsers[key] = Parsers[key].as_empty else: # Set up the appropiate parsers for key in Parsers: if key not in ParseList: Parsers[key] = Parsers[key].as_empty else: # Parse all normally pass Parsers[interblock] = GeneralLinkJob.as_empty self._Parsers = Parsers
[docs] def print_file_structure(self): """Display the structure of links and internal jobs of the file.""" indent = " " Result = f"{self.__repr__():}\n" for intjob in self: Result += indent + f"{intjob.__repr__():}\n" for link in intjob: Result += indent*2 + f"{link.__repr__():}\n" print(Result)
[docs] def read(self): """Alias of update for consistency with GaussianInFile class""" self.update()
def close(self): """Alias to file.close for consistency with the io.TextIOBase class""" self._file.close()
[docs] def update(self,clean=True,FinalPrint=False): """Tries to fetch new data. If it exists it parses it appropiately otherwise it fails silently. Parameters ---------- clean : Bool If True removes all the EmptyLinkJobs found (the default is True). FinalPrint : Bool If True after a normal execution has finished it will print in the console a message to notify the user (the default is False). """ cls = self.__class__ BlockFetcher = self._BlockFetcher BlockHandler = self._BlockHandler BlockType, Block = next(BlockFetcher) while BlockType != cls._EOF: BlockHandler.send((BlockType, Block)) BlockType, Block = next(BlockFetcher) if self.InternalJobs[0].number is None: self.InternalJobs[0].guess_info() if clean: self.clean() if FinalPrint: print(f"{self:!r} UPDATED")
[docs] def clean(self): """Removes per each InternalJob stored all the EmptyLinkJobs.""" for InternalJob in self.InternalJobs: InternalJob.clean()
# Generators and Coroutines for File Parsing def Reader(self,file): """ Generator for line by line reading without stopiteration """ while True: Pos_old = file.tell() line = file.readline() Pos_new = file.tell() ReachedEOF = Pos_old == Pos_new yield ReachedEOF,line def BlockFetcher(self,EOF=-9999,interblock=-1): """ Generator that yields the text sliced in blocks and their type. A block is an iterable of strings and its type refers to a token that can be recognized by the ._Parsers variable, something in betweem Link Blocks (interblock=-1) or no end was found (EOF=-9999) """ # Regex generation re_enter = re.compile(r'(?:Enter.*l)([0-9]{1,4})(?:\.exe)') re_exit = re.compile(r'(?:Leave\s*Link\s*)([0-9]{1,4})') re_termination = re.compile(r'\s?([a-zA-Z]*)\stermination') # Initialize the Reader generator Reader = self.Reader(self._file) yield 'Initialization done' # If more than 1 EndKeyws then BlockType Assesment has to be modified while True: start = False Block = [] # Ask the Reader until a "start line" is found while not start: ReachedEOF,line = next(Reader) if ReachedEOF: yield EOF, '' else: start = re_enter.findall(line) if not start: Block.append(line) else: # Store the number of the Link number = int(start[0]) # When found yield it as a "InterBlock" and prepare Block if Block: yield interblock, ''.join(Block) Block = [line,] else: Block.append(line) # Now that the start of the Link has been found, accumulate lines ## until the end or termination line is found end = False while not end: ReachedEOF,line = next(Reader) if ReachedEOF: Target = Block[-10:] + [line,] terminated = re_termination.findall(''.join(Target)) if terminated: Block.append(line) #if terminated[0] == 'Normal': # other = str(BlockTypes[Termination_key]) #elif terminated[0] == 'Error': # other = str(BlockTypes[Error_key]) break else: yield EOF, '' else: end = bool(re_exit.findall(line)) end = end or bool(re_termination.findall(line)) Block.append(line) # when end found, do return type token and yield the block yield number, ''.join(Block) def BlockHandler(self): """ Coroutine. Receives a block, chooses the parser and parses it """ # Initialization Parsers = self._Parsers CurrentJob = self.InternalJobs[-1] first_link = True BlockType, Block = yield 'Initialization done' while True: #Parser = Parsers.get(BlockType,Parsers[ignore]) Parser = Parsers[BlockType] Link = Parser(Block) if Link.number != 1: CurrentJob.append(Link) else: if first_link: CurrentJob.append(Link) CurrentJob.guess_info() first_link = False else: is_explicit = if not is_explicit: info = Link.InternalJobInfo(self.InternalJobs[-1].number+1,'Linked',True) = info New = InternalJob() self.InternalJobs.append(New) CurrentJob = self.InternalJobs[-1] CurrentJob.append(Link) CurrentJob.guess_info() BlockType, Block = yield
[docs] class InternalJob(object): """Gaussian 09/16 InternalJob parent class, if any special type of Job requires different parsing it should be a subclass of this one. Parameters ---------- number : int ordinal number of the InternalJob (the default is None). Attributes ---------- type string identifier for the job. Links List of the different Links that belong to the InternalJob. number """ def __init__(self,number=None): self.number = number self.type = None self.Links = [] def __repr__(self): cls = type(self).__name__ if self.number is None: return f'<{cls} Created but Empty>' else: return f'<{cls} {self.number}>' def __str__(self): return f'Internal Job {self.number}: {self.type}' def __getitem__(self,index): return self.Links[index] def __len__(self): return len(self.Links) def append(self,Link): # Restrict to Link objects if not isinstance(Link, LinkJob): raise TypeError(f'{Link:!r} is not of class {LinkJob:!r}') self.Links.append(Link)
[docs] def guess_info(self): """ Guesses the number and type attributes of itself using the stored Links.""" if self.Links: Links = (Link for Link in self.Links if Link.number == 1) try: StarterLink = next(Links) info = except AttributeError: pass except StopIteration: pass else: self.number = info.number self.type = info.type
[docs] def clean(self): """Removes all the Empty Link instances within Links.""" Indices2Remove = [] for i, Link in enumerate(self.Links): if not Link.text: Indices2Remove.append(i) for index in reversed(Indices2Remove): _ = self.Links.pop(index)
[docs] class GaussianInFile(object): """ Gaussian 09/16 .in file parent class, if any special type of input requires different processing it should be a subclass of this one. Parameters ---------- file : io.TextIOBase or str File instance (Result of open(filename,'r')) or valid filename. Attributes ---------- preprocessing : dict Dictionary in which each key corresponds to a certain Link0 keyword commandline : dict Dictionary that contains the information of how the calculation will be carried out. title : str title of the calculation. method : str If it cannot be recognized in the command line it will be empty. basis : str If it cannot be recognized in the command line it will be empty. spin : int charge : int geometry : str-ish It should be able to write the text block of an input file upon calling str(geometry) tail : list List of str in which each should be separated from the others by a single blank line in the input file. structure : str A string holding the structure of the input file. Used to write new Input files. nprocs : int property to easily access and change the preprocessing['nprocshared'] value mem : int property to easily access and change the preprocessing['mem'] value extra_printout : bool Controls the behaviour of the command line's "#" or "#p". If True the command line will appear with the "#p". It is True by default. solvent : str or None When set to None the solvation is still active but no solvent has been specified. When set to 'gas' the solvation is completely removed and when set to a different string, the string is assumed to be a valid name for the solvent in gaussian. solvent_model : str or None This property controls the keyword scrf and has three possible values: None -> the scrf keyword is not included 'pcm' -> the 'pcm' suboption within scrf is included 'smd' -> the 'smd' suboption within the scrf is included. """ def __init__(self,file=None): # Do Something if isinstance(file,io.TextIOBase): self._file = file elif file is None: self._file = None else: self._file = open(file,'a+') if self._file.tell() != 0: self._txt = '' self.preprocessing = dict() # In the G16 Manual "Link 0 Commands" self.commandline = dict() # In the G16 Manual "Route Section" self.title = '' self._method = '' self._basis = '' self.spin = 1 self.charge = 0 self.geometry = '' # In the G16 Manual "Molecule Specification" self.tail = [] # In the G16 Manual "Optional additional sections" self.extra_printout = True self.structure = '{preprocessing}\n{commandline}\n\n' self.structure += '{title}\n\n' self.structure += '{charge} {spin}\n{geometry}\n' self.structure += '{tail}\n\n' def __repr__(self): cls = type(self).__name__ name = 'unnamed' if hasattr(self._file,'name'): name ="/")[-1] #size = len(self) return f'<{cls}({name})>' def __str__(self): geometry = str(self.geometry) if geometry: geometry += '\n' else: geometry = '' kwargs = dict( preprocessing=self.preprocessing_as_str(), commandline=self.commandline_as_str(), title=self.title, charge=self.charge, spin=self.spin, geometry=geometry, tail='\n\n'.join(self.tail)) str_repr = self.structure.format(**kwargs) # It is better to enfoce the condition here than for every # possible case of reading a file or adding the tail if not str_repr.endswith('\n\n\n'): n = 3 - str_repr[-3:].count('\n') str_repr += '\n'*n return str_repr def __len__(self): return len(str(self)) def __enter__(self): ''' Wrapper to have similar behaviour to "_io.TextIOWrapper" ''' return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): ''' Wrapper to have similar behaviour to "_io.TextIOWrapper" ''' return self._file.__exit__(exc_type, exc_value, traceback) @property def method(self): return self._method @method.setter def method(self,other): self.change_method(other) @property def basis(self): return self._basis @basis.setter def basis(self,other): self.change_basis(other) @property def nprocs(self): if 'nprocs' in self.preprocessing: return self.preprocessing.get('nprocs',None) return self.preprocessing.get('nprocshared',None) @nprocs.setter def nprocs(self,other): if 'nprocs' in self.preprocessing: self.preprocessing['nprocs'] = other else: self.preprocessing['nprocshared'] = other @property def mem(self): return self.preprocessing.get('mem',None) @mem.setter def mem(self,other): self.preprocessing['mem'] = other @property def solvent(self): if 'scrf' not in self.commandline: return 'gas' items = self.commandline.get('scrf',[]) for item in items: if 'solvent=' in item: return item.split('=')[1] return None @solvent.setter def solvent(self,other): if other is None: self._remove_solvent(remove_solvation=False) elif other.lower() == 'gas': self._remove_solvent(remove_solvation=True) else: self._set_solvent(other) @property def solvent_model(self): items = self.commandline.get('scrf',[]) for item in items: if item.lower() in ['pcm','smd']: return item return None @solvent_model.setter def solvent_model(self,other): if other is None: self._remove_solvent_model() elif other.lower() in ['pcm','smd']: self._set_solvent_model(other.lower()) else: raise ValueError(f'solvent model "{other}" is not smd/pcm/None')
[docs] def read(self): """ Reads the file and populates the appropiate attributes. """ txt = [line.rstrip() for line in self._file] if not txt: raise EOFError('Attempting to read an empty or non-existent file') if txt[-1]: # If the file ends without a blank line add it txt.append('') if txt[-2]: # If the file ends without two blank lines add one txt.append('') self._txt = '\n'.join(txt) bins = [i for i,line in enumerate(txt) if not line] # Ensure that the if the title is empty, the bins are not including it bins = [i for i in bins if not set((i-1,i,i+1)).issubset(set(bins))] stop = bins[0] header = iter(txt[:stop]) preprocessing = [] for line in header: if line.startswith("%"): preprocessing.append(line.lstrip("%")) elif line.startswith("#"): break self.parse_preprocessing(preprocessing) # Read the command line assuming that the keywords cannot be in a # 'chopped in half' version between lines commandline = [line.split(),] for line in header: commandline.append(line.split()) self.parse_commandline(commandline) # Read the Title Section start = bins[0]+1 stop = bins[1] title = [line for line in txt[start:stop]] self.title = '\n'.join(title) # Read charge and spin charge,spin = txt[stop+1].split() self.charge,self.spin = int(charge), int(spin) # Now we read the geometry start = stop+1 stop = bins[2] geometry = [line for line in txt[start+1:stop]] self.parse_geometry(geometry) # Now we read the Tail tail = [] if len(txt) > stop+1: # if it exists tail = [line for line in txt[stop:]] self.parse_tail(tail)
[docs] def close(self): """Alias to file.close for consistency with the io.TextIOBase class""" self._file.close()
[docs] def write(self,filepath=None): """ Writes the File object to a File. If a filepath is provided it will write to that filepath otherwise it will attempt to write to the path provided in the initialization. Parameters ---------- filepath : str A valid filepath. """ self._txt = str(self) if filepath is None: # Write to self._file self._file.write(self._txt) else: # open the file write and close the file with open(filepath,'w') as F: F.write(self._txt)
# Helper Functions for the read function to encapsulate different behaviours
[docs] def parse_preprocessing(self,lines): """ Parses the lines that contain the Link 0 keywords and transforms them into a dictionary representation. Parameters ---------- lines : list list of strings previously stripped. Empty lines will be ignored. """ #The logic of the specification of the preprocessing is below ## %kwd=something (most of the keywords follow this shape) ## %kwd (Few keywords follow this shape) ## %kwd L{number} [something,or not] (2 kewyords follow this shape) # As initial design criteria I'm reducing the third case to the second for line in lines: Aux = line.split('=') if len(Aux) == 1: key,val = Aux[0],'' elif len(Aux) == 2: key,val = Aux else: pass self.preprocessing[key] = val
[docs] def parse_commandline(self,lines): """ Parses the lines that contain the calculation commands keywords and transforms them into a dictionary representation. Parameters ---------- lines : list list of strings previously stripped and split. Empty lines will be ignored. """ # the first line contains the "#p" self.extra_printout = lines[0][0] == '#p' # parse all the keywords start = lines[0][1:] others = [i for i in chain(*lines[1:])] method_found = False basis_found = False for item in chain(start,others): dummy = item.split('/') if '/' in item and is_method(dummy[0]) and is_basis(dummy[1]): method_found = True basis_found = True method,basis = dummy self.method = method self.basis = basis continue elif is_method(item) and not method_found: method_found = True self._method = item key,val = item, [] elif is_basis(item) and not basis_found: basis_found = True self._basis = item key,val = item, [] elif is_basis(item) or is_method(item): print('2 Basis or methods found \n') print(f'taking {item} as a normal keyword') key,val = item, [] else: Aux = item.split('=',1) if len(Aux) == 1: key,val = Aux[0],[] elif len(Aux) == 2: key,val = Aux else: pass # Should only enter with empty items if val and val.startswith('('): val = val[1:-1].split(',') elif val: val = [val,] previously_stored = key in self.commandline has_suboptions = bool(self.commandline.get(key,False)) if not previously_stored: self.commandline[key] = val elif not has_suboptions: self.commandline[key].extend(val) else: Aux3 = set(self.commandline[key]).union(set(val)) self.commandline[key] = list(Aux3)
[docs] def parse_geometry(self,lines): """Parses each line that contains 'Atom x y z' in an appropiate form and saves it to self.geometry Parameters ---------- lines : list list of strings previously stripped. Should not contain empty lines """ # This function is currently set up to only get the geometry as is. # In the future it should include the logic to transform between # coordinate specifications (zmatrix,xyz,internal) to enforce a certain # geometry or geometry class self.geometry = '\n'.join(lines)
[docs] def parse_tail(self,lines): """Chops the set of lines into different blocks of text using as reference the emptylines/blank lines Parameters ---------- lines : list list of strings previously stripped. Returns ------- type Description of returned object. Raises ------- ExceptionName Why the exception is raised. """ Aux = [] self.tail = [] for line in lines: if line: Aux.append(line) elif Aux: self.tail.append('\n'.join(Aux)) Aux = [] else: pass else: if Aux: self.tail.append('\n'.join(Aux)) print('Parsed an input file withouth blank line ending')
# Helper functions for writing
[docs] def preprocessing_as_str(self): """ Transforms the preprocessing attribute to a suitable string representation. Returns ------- str string corresponding to the preprocessing part of the input file. """ preprocessing = [] for key,val in self.preprocessing.items(): if val: Aux = f'%{key}={val}' else: Aux = f'%{key}' preprocessing.append(Aux) return '\n'.join(preprocessing)
[docs] def commandline_as_str(self): """ Transforms the commandline attribute to a suitable string representation. Returns ------- str string corresponding to the commandline of the input file. """ if self.extra_printout: commandline = ['#p',] else: commandline = ['#',] for key,val in self.commandline.items(): if val and (len(val) == 1): Aux = f"{key}={','.join(val)}" elif val: Aux = f"{key}=({','.join(val)})" else: Aux = f"{key}" commandline.append(Aux) return ' '.join(commandline)
# Private functions for properties management def _remove_solvent(self,remove_solvation=False): if remove_solvation: _ = self.commandline.pop('scrf') return items = self.commandline.get('scrf',[]) for i,item in enumerate(items): if 'solvent=' in item: break else: return _ = items.pop(i) self.commandline['scrf'] = items def _set_solvent(self,other): items = self.commandline.get('scrf',[]) for i,item in enumerate(items): if 'solvent=' in item: items[i] = f'solvent={other}' break else: items.append(f'solvent={other}') self.commandline['scrf'] = items def _remove_solvent_model(self): # If scrf does not exist current = self.solvent_model if current is None: return # Otherwise assume existence items = self.commandline.get('scrf',[]) for i,item in enumerate(items): if item == current: break _ = items.pop(i) self.commandline['scrf'] = items def _set_solvent_model(self,other): # If scrf does not exist current = self.solvent_model items = self.commandline.get('scrf',[]) if current is None: items.append(other) else: for i,item in enumerate(items): if item == current: items[i] = other self.commandline['scrf'] = items # Attribute modifying functions
[docs] def pop_chk(self,default=None): """ Removes the chk from the file, returns 'default' if the chk was not included already """ if default is not None: return self.preprocessing.pop('chk',default) else: return self.preprocessing.pop('chk')
[docs] def add_chk(self,name=None): """ Adds the chk to the file, with the specified name. If none is provided defaults to the file name ended in .chk """ # Adds the chk to the file if name is None: try: name = except AttributeError: name = self._file.split('/')[-1] name = name.rsplit('.')[0]+'.chk' else: if not name.endswith('.chk'): name = name +'.chk' self.preprocessing['chk'] = name
[docs] def change_method(self,method): """Changes appropiately the method of the calculation. Running self.method = method makes a call to this function. Parameters ---------- method : str A string representation of a valid method Raises ------- NotImplementedError If the method is not within the registered methods keywords """ if not is_method(method): raise NotImplementedError(f'method {method} not implemented') key = self._method _ = self.commandline.pop(key,None) # Used to ensure deletion of the key self._method = method self.commandline[method] = ''
[docs] def change_basis(self,basis): """Changes appropiately the basis of the calculation. Running self.basis = basis makes a call to this function. Parameters ---------- basis : str A string representation of a valid method if specified in the command line. Raises ------- NotImplementedError If the basis is not within the registered basis keywords """ if not is_basis(basis): raise NotImplementedError(f'basis {basis} not implemented') key = self._basis _ = self.commandline.pop(key,None) # Used to ensure deletion of the key self._basis = basis self.commandline[basis] = ''
[docs] def disable_extra_printout(self): """ When used, the string representation of the object will not include the #p in the command line. """ self.extra_printout = False
[docs] def enable_extra_printout(self): """ When used, the string representation of the object will include the #p in the command line. """ self.extra_printout = True
[docs] def pop_kwd(self,keyword,where=None): """ Removes a keyword from the command line and returns it. Parameters ---------- keyword : str keyword to remove from the command line. where : str, optional if provided it searches the keyword as a suboption of the "where" keyword i.e. pop_kwd('smd',where='scrf') or pop_kwd('cartesian',where='opt') Returns ------- str or None Returns the removed keyword (or None when the keyword was not in the command line) """ if where is None: return self.commandline.pop(keyword) items = self.commandline.get(where,[]) if keyword in items: kwd = items.pop(items.index(keyword)) self.commandline[where] = items return kwd return None
[docs] def add_kwd(self,keyword,where=None): """ Adds a keyword to the command line. Parameters ---------- keyword : str keyword to add to the command line. where : str, optional if provided it adds the keyword as a suboption of the "where" keyword i.e. add_kwd('smd',where='scrf') or add_kwd('cartesian',where='opt') """ if where is None: self.commandline[keyword] = [] return items = self.commandline.get(where,[]) if keyword in items: return items.append(keyword) self.commandline[where] = items
[docs] def pop_l0_kwd(self,keyword,where=None): """ Removes a keyword from the preprocessing and returns it. Parameters ---------- keyword : str keyword to remove from the preprocessing. where : str, optional if provided it searches the keyword as a suboption of the "where" keyword i.e. pop_l0_kwd('job1.chk',where='oldchk') Returns ------- str or None Returns the removed keyword (or None when the keyword was not in the preprocessing) """ if where is None: return self.preprocessing.pop(keyword) kwd = self.preprocessing.get(where,None) self.preprocessing[where] = '' return kwd
[docs] def add_l0_kwd(self,keyword,where=None): """ Adds a keyword to the preprocessing. Parameters ---------- keyword : str keyword to add to the preprocessing. where : str, optional if provided it adds the keyword as a suboption of the "where" keyword i.e. add_l0_kwd('job1.chk',where='chk') or add_kwd('40GB',where='mem') """ if where is None: self.preprocessing[keyword] = '' elif 'nproc' in where: self.nprocs = keyword elif 'mem' in where: self.mem = keyword else: self.preprocessing[where] = keyword
[docs] @classmethod def from_str(cls,text): """ Creates a GaussianInFile object from a gaussian input file read as a string, parses it and populates the attributes of the class. Parameters ---------- text : str Contents of a Gaussian input file as a string. i.e. .. code:: python with open('','r') as F: text = name : str Name to represent the GaussianInFile Returns ------- GaussianInFile A populated GaussianInFile object """ new = cls() new._file = text.split('\n') return new
[docs] class MultiGaussianInFile(object): """ Container class of multiple GausianInFiles linked together in a single gaussian input calculation. Parameters ---------- file : io.TextIOBase or str (the default is None) File instance (Result of open(filename,'r')) or valid filename. Attributes ---------- jobs : list List providing access to each one of the individual GaussianInFile objects representing each one of the linked calculations. """ def __init__(self,file=None): # Do Something if isinstance(file,io.TextIOBase): self._file = file elif file is None: self._file = None else: self._file = open(file,'a+') if self._file.tell() != 0: = [] def __repr__(self): cls = type(self).__name__ file ="/")[-1] #size = len(self) return f'<{cls}({file} with njobs={len(})>' def __str__(self): str_repr = '\n\n--Link1--\n'.join([str(job).rstrip() for job in]) # It is better to enfoce the condition here than for every # possible case of reading a file or adding the tail if not str_repr.endswith('\n\n\n'): n = 3 - str_repr[-3:].count('\n') str_repr += '\n'*n return str_repr def __len__(self): return len(str(self)) def __enter__(self): ''' Wrapper to have similar behaviour to "_io.TextIOWrapper" ''' return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): ''' Wrapper to have similar behaviour to "_io.TextIOWrapper" ''' return self._file.__exit__(exc_type, exc_value, traceback)
[docs] def read(self): """ Reads the file and populates the appropiate attributes. """ if self._file is None: return txt = = [GaussianInFile.from_str(job.lstrip()) for job in txt.split('--Link1--')]
[docs] def write(self,filepath=None): """ Writes the File object to a File. If a filepath is provided it will write to that filepath otherwise it will attempt to write to the path provided in the initialization. Parameters ---------- filepath : str A valid filepath. """ self._txt = str(self) if filepath is None: # Write to self._file self._file.write(self._txt) else: # open the file write and close the file with open(filepath,'w') as F: F.write(self._txt)
[docs] def enforce_same_chk(self,chk=None): """ Enforces the same chk file in all jobs. Parameters ---------- chk : str, optional filename of the chk to use, if none is provided it defaults to the one of the first job. """ if chk is None: chk =[0].preprocessing['chk'] for job in job.add_l0_kwd(chk,where='chk')
[docs] def enforce_continuous_chk(self,basename=None): """ Enforces that the chk of job i-1 is retained and a copy of it is used at the start of job i. For an example with two jobs, the first link0 section will look like: .. %chk=basename_job0.chk Then the link0 of the second job will look like: .. %oldchk=basename_job1.chk %chk=basename_job1.chk Parameters ---------- basename : str, optional basename of the chk to use, if none is provided it defaults to the one of the first job. """ if basename is None: basename =[0].preprocessing['chk'].rsplit('.',maxsplit=1)[0] for (i,job) in enumerate( job.add_l0_kwd(f'{basename}_job{i}.chk',where='chk') if i-1 >= 0: job.add_l0_kwd(f'{basename}_job{i-1}.chk',where='oldchk')
[docs] def enforce_same_nprocs(self,nprocs=None): """ Enforces the same nprocs in all jobs. Parameters ---------- nprocs : int, optional number of processors to use in a calculation, if none is provided it defaults to the value of the nprocs of the first job. """ if nprocs is None: nprocs =[0].nprocs for job in job.nprocs = nprocs
[docs] def enforce_same_mem(self,mem=None): """ Enforces the same memory in all jobs. Parameters ---------- mem : int, optional Memory to use in a calculation, if none is provided it defaults to the value of the mem of the first job. """ if mem is None: mem =[0].mem for job in job.mem = mem
[docs] def enforce_same_method(self,method): """ Enforces the same method in all jobs. Parameters ---------- method : str, optional method to use in a calculation, if none is provided it defaults to the value of the first job's method. """ if method is None: method =[0].method for job in job.method = method
# TODO: Implement a class to read and manipulate the basis functions in the tail # class BasisTail(object), whose str function returns things as it should and # that can have a linked input file object, so that modifying the basis of this # object will modify the input file basis in certain cases.