Source code for pyssianutils.functions

This module provides a set of functions with general utilities. If
matplotlib.pyplot is available the Plot Functions become available

# General Utils
[docs]def write_2_file(File): """ Creates a wrapper for appending text to a certain File. Assumes that each call is equivalent to writing a single line. """ def Writer(txt): with open(File,'a') as OFile: OFile.write(txt) OFile.write('\n') return Writer
# GaussianOutFile utils
[docs]def thermochemistry(GOF): """ Returns the Zero Point Energy, Enthalpy and Free Energy from a frequency calculation. Parameters ---------- GOF : GaussianOutFile Returns ------- tuple (Z, H, G) """ Link = GOF[-1].get_links(716)[-1] Z = Link.zeropoint[-1] H = Link.enthalpy[-1] G = Link.gibbs[-1] return Z, H, G
[docs]def potential_energy(GOF,method='default'): """ Returns the last potential energy of a GaussianOutFile of a certain method. The default is the energy of the SCF cycle ('SCF Done:') Parameters ---------- GOF : GaussianOutFile Method : string For DFT and HF the default behavior is correct. For Post-HF methods it needs to be specified. Currently: ['oniom','mp2','mp2scs','MP4','ccsdt'] Returns ------- float Energy """ if method == 'mp2': # Search for MP2 energy energy = GOF.get_links(804)[-1].MP2 elif method == 'mp2scs': HF = GOF.get_links(502)[-1].energy SCS_corr = GOF.get_links(804)[-1].get_SCScorr() energy = HF + SCS_corr elif method == 'ccsdt': # Search for CCSD(T) energy or default to MP4 Aux = GOF.get_links(913)[-1] energy = Aux.CCSDT elif method == 'mp4': Aux = GOF.get_links(913)[-1] energy = Aux.MP4 elif method == 'oniom': Aux = GOF.get_links(120)[-1] energy = else: # Otherwise go to the "Done(...)" Energy energy = None links = GOF.get_links(502,508) if links: energy = GOF.get_links(502,508)[-1].energy if links and energy is None: energy = GOF.get_links(502)[-2].energy return energy
# Console Utils # If the matplotlib module is available, create these functions try: import matplotlib.pyplot as pyplot except ImportError: pass else: # Plotting Utils
[docs] def PlotConvergence(GOF,JobId): """ The plot version of print_convergence. Parameters ---------- GOF : GaussianOutFile Gaussian File whose convergence parameters are going to be displayed. JobId : int InternalJob number in the Gaussian Output File. Returns ------- matplotlib.figure.Figure, list matplotlib figure object with the convergence already included and a list of numbers with the thresholds of convergence for each parameter. """ HEIGHT = 800 WIDTH = 600 DPI = 100.0 Links = GOF[JobId].get_links(103) #Items = [map(lambda x: x.Value,i.conversion) for i in Links # if i.conversion] #Force, RMSForce, Disp, RMSDisp = zip(*Items) Force = [] RMSForce = [] Disp = [] RMSDisp = [] for i,items in enumerate([link.conversion for link in Links]): for item in items: if item.Item == "Maximum Force": Force.append((i,item.Value)) elif item.Item == "RMS Force": RMSForce.append((i,item.Value)) elif item.Item == "Maximum Displacement": Disp.append((i,item.Value)) elif item.Item == "RMS Displacement": RMSDisp.append((i,item.Value)) thresholds = [] for item in items: if item.Item == "Maximum Force": thresholds.append(item.Threshold) break for item in items: if item.Item == "RMS Force": thresholds.append(item.Threshold) break for item in items: if item.Item == "Maximum Displacement": thresholds.append(item.Threshold) break for item in items: if item.Item == "RMS Displacement": thresholds.append(item.Threshold) break #f,((ax1,ax2),(ax3,ax4)) = pyplot.subplots(2,2,figsize=(HEIGHT/DPI,WIDTH/DPI)) f = pyplot.figure(figsize=(HEIGHT/DPI,WIDTH/DPI)) ## Handpicked axes positioning x_sep = 0.125 y_sep = 0.075 x_mar = y_mar = 0.1 w = 0.35 h = 0.375 bot = y_mar left = x_mar mbot = bot + h + y_sep mleft = left + w + x_sep ax1 = f.add_axes([left, mbot, w, h]) ax2 = f.add_axes([mleft, mbot, w, h]) ax3 = f.add_axes([left, bot, w, h]) ax4 = f.add_axes([mleft, bot, w, h]) ## End Labels = ["Force","RMSForce","Displacement","RMSDisplacement"] axes = [ax1,ax2,ax3,ax4] x = range(len(Force)) items = [Force, RMSForce, Disp, RMSDisp] for ax,label,item in zip(axes,Labels,items): if item: x,y = zip(*item) ax.set_ylabel(label) ax.plot(x,y) return f, thresholds
[docs] def PlotThresholds(fig,thresholds=None): """ Convenience function to plot horizontal lines for the figure produced by PlotConvergence. Parameters ---------- fig : matplotlib.figure.Figure Figure where the thresholds are going to be drawn thresholds : list List of the threshold values of len==4 (the default is [0.000450,0.0003,0.0018,0.0012]). """ if thresholds is None: thresholds = [0.000450,0.0003,0.0018,0.0012] for i,j in zip(fig.axes,thresholds): xlim = i.get_xlim() i.plot(xlim,(j,j),'r') i.set_xlim(xlim)
[docs] def PlotInternalEnergy(GOF,UnitConverter=None): """ Function that plots the potential energy during a Gaussian calculation. Parameters ---------- GOF : GaussianOutFile Gaussian File whose potential energy is going to be displayed. UnitConverter : (str,function) tuple where the first value is the unit to be used and the second the function to transform the values in hartrees to the desired unit (the default is None). Returns ------- matplotlib.figure.Figure matplotlib figure object with the convergence already included """ if UnitConverter is None: UnitConverter = ("hartree",lambda x: x) Energies = [ for Link in GOF.get_links(502) if] Energy = list(map(UnitConverter[-1],Energies)) x = range(len(Energy)) HEIGHT = 800 WIDTH = 600 DPI = 100.0 fig = pyplot.figure(figsize=(HEIGHT/DPI,WIDTH/DPI)) ax = pyplot.gca() ax.plot(x,Energy) ax.set_ylabel(f"Potential Energy {UnitConverter[0]}") ax.set_xlabel("Step number") return fig